A life changing experience wave
Systemic learning
The world is experiencing a deep crisis and there is a strong urge to take action, transform ourselves and transform reality in the process... But how? Quinta Esencia is the place where you can start walking down that path.

Choose your program and join us
The Regenerative
Are you looking for a meaningful
experience? We invite you to transform
yourself, connect with nature & others.

With over a decade of experience in permaculture design, we have brought together everything we know into this comprehensive program to help you embark on your own dream projects and pollinate everywhere with what you have learned and experienced with us.

Holistic learning experience: The disciple is the master and vice versa, which is why we will guide you in your own exploration. Our activities involve the "head, heart and hands" philosophy, which entails reflecting on new knowledge, opening up all your senses and getting your hands dirty. You can choose to participate in green building, vegetable gardening, agroforestry, beekeeping or greenhouse keeping, always based on the premise of learning by doing. We will also seek to share artistic and recreational moments involving music, singing, painting or writing.

Hands-on and in-class both in real life & online training program includes:

  • 1-week minimum stay
  • Virtual interview prior to your arrival: a topic is chosen according to your interests, skills and needs, establishing 1 learning theme and goal
  • Weekly 1-on-1 mentoring with a thematic specialist (online or face-to-face, depending on the topic and team’s availability)
  • Full time immersion, sharing a living space with our QE team
  • Optional: delivery of final report. WE ARE CREATORS. Take advantage of this experience and create something for you and future generations. Collective intelligence is our driving force
  • 4 hours a day working in our systems
  • 2 hours a day reading/writing/creating
Internship for
university students
If you are a researcher concerned about climate change,
health and education, do your field work with us!

Take your university project to the next level with our internship program!

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to improve your skills by doing work with purpose.

Our learning process relies on nature-based solutions, permaculture and regenerative design by working in a multidimensional way, covering all possible linking scales, starting from the self, all the way to the community and the biosphere. Learning goals are divided into the following: cognitive (mind), socio-emotional (heart) and behavioral (hands).

During your stay at Quinta Esencia, you will deepen and embody our philosophy: systemic thinking and a more reciprocal relationship with nature.

This program will inspire you to make changes in your life and the ecosystems of which you are part.

What does our internship include?

  • 4-week minimum stay
  • Online interview prior to your arrival. A topic is chosen according to your interest, skills and needs, establishing guidelines for the final report.
  • Weekly 1-on-1 mentoring with a thematic specialist (online or face-to-face, depending on the theme and our team’s availability).
  • Reading materials provided ahead of arrival at the site.
  • Full-time immersion, sharing a living space with the QE team.
  • Delivery of final report: WE ARE CREATORS.
  • 4-6 hours working in our different systems.
  • 2-4 hours reading/drafting a report.
  • 1 hour of weekly mentoring.
  • Educational tools: teamwork, games, body movement, yoga, meditation, learning by doing, questioning, art, listening, observation, dialogue and reflection.
Spots are limited, so make sure to
save yours today by contacting us.

Quinta Esencia

Quinta Esencia is an ecoliteracy center located in a natural environment within the province of Buenos Aires. Our mission is to inspire the co-creation of new regenerative cultures for a thriving and healthy future for human and planetary life as a whole.

Nobody leaves Quinta Esencia the same as when they entered, that’s a fact!

You will gain the necessary knowledge to understand the global crisis through a deep-immersion experience in an ecological literacy project. In addition, you will learn key practical tools to become actively involved in the design of regenerative cultures.


Quinta Esencia

Quinta Esencia is an ecoliteracy center located in a natural environment within the province of Buenos Aires. Our mission is to inspire the co-creation of new regenerative cultures for a thriving and healthy future for human and planetary life as a whole.

Nobody leaves Quinta Esencia the same as when they entered, that’s a fact!

You will gain the necessary knowledge to understand the global crisis through a deep-immersion experience in an ecological literacy project. In addition, you will learn key practical tools to become actively involved in the design of regenerative cultures.



We seek to explore disruptive ideas and alternative solutions

To develop a mental model capable of understanding and analyzing complex systems. Everything is in constant movement so we want you to be able to deal with uncertainty. to question norms, practices and opinions, reflect on your own values, perceptions and actions, and adopt a position in the Regenerative discourse.



We seek to learn & live from empathy

Learn social skills to bond, collaborate and communicate, as well as skills, values and attitudes of introspection that will help your inner-development. There is no collective transformation without a personal transformation.



We seek that you can live what you learn and learn what you live

Practical tools to protect and restore socio-ecosystems, with special emphasis on biological diversity and natural processes that sustain life. Adopt habits and patterns of production and consumption that safeguard the Earth's regenerative capacities and community well-being.

To change something, build
a new model that makes the
existing model obsolete.

Richard Buckminster Fuller


To change something, build
a new model that makes the
existing model obsolete.

Richard Buckminster Fuller

You can create your learning experience around the following topics

Systemic Thinking


Environmental Education








Regenerative Development




Assertive Communication

Holistic health

Holistic health

Quinta Esencia Logo
Let's talk!
Do you have a question, suggestion, or just want to connect? We're all ears! Drop us a message below, and we'll get back to you soon.
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